Friday, September 14, 2007

Food Journal - 9/13

Today was just an odd kind of day...

bfast - Sl!mfast bar
lunch - prepare yourself for this (just my luck!) My boss offers to take all of us out to eat at a nice restaurant - no occasion, just because. So, we go. I am on my best behavior and order a salmon Caesar salad, with the dressing on the side. It comes out covered in the dressing and I'm too shy to send it back in front of my colleagues. So, I ate it (it was SO good!), but didn't clean my plate.
Snack - 1/2 cup cheerios, 1/2 cup whole wheat bran flakes with skim milk
Dinner - Healthy Ch0ice Chicken noodle soup

So, I was kind of aggravated about my lunch choice - I hate to waste fat & calories on something I don't even want.

Then, I got home to do a walking dvd and the case was empty. And, it was raining outside. I think I loaned the DVD to a friend - a while back. So, extra fat in my intake, plus no exercise. So, I found a - prepare yourself - Richard Simm0ns tape. Fortunately we have a DVD and VCR in one, so I did that for about 20 minutes. AND, it wasn't too bad! I always thought he was pretty cheesy, but he had a good workout put together. I may even do it again. If no one is home. :o)

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