Friday, August 10, 2007

Frugal Friday

Biblical Womanhood is hosting Frugal Friday again today and I just love it!

My frugal tip is dealing with your cable provider. Ours is constantly advertising specials. We never pay full price for the movie channels - and often get them for free!

I'll call occasionally and ask what special they currently have. Oftentimes, there is an unadvertised special that is great. We've gotten free movie channels for 3 months. We've never paid more than $5 for 3 months of premium channels. Considering it is nearly $4 to rent ONE movie, this is a big savings. About the time we've seen all they have to offer, I'll call and cancel.

That is an important step - once the 90 days is up, call to cancel the service or they will start charging you. I will often write it in my planner or calendar it in Outlook.

For more tips, visit Crystal at Biblical Womanhood!

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